
The Mayflower Ship's Log (Complete Edition) : Day to Day Details of the Voyage, Characteristics of the Ship: Main Deck, Gun Deck & Cargo Hold, Mayflower Officers, The Crew & The Passengers


To civilized humanity world-wide, and especially to the descendants of the Pilgrims who, in 1620, laid the foundations of that civil and religious freedom upon which has been built a refuge for the oppressed of every land, the story of the Pilgrim "Exodus" has an ever-increasing value and zest. It describes the inception, development, and vicissitudes of the bold scheme of colonization in the American wilderness. It covers every detail and circumstance which relates to the immortal MAYFLOWER; the preparations, the voyage, the personnel on the ship and the first colonists' hopes and dreams.


The Name— "Mayflower"

The Mayflower's Consort the Speedwell

The Mayflower's Charter and the Adventurers

The Mayflower—the Ship Herself

The Officers and Crew of the Mayflower

The Mayflower's Passengers

Quarters, Cooking, Provisions

The Mayflower's Lading

The Journal of the Ship Mayflower