
Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung - Healing Mantra, Guided Meditations from Kundalini Yoga

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The healing mantra from Kundalini Yoga comprises the activation of the self-healing powers of the human being on the holistic level. Linked to the power of the sun (Ra), the moon (Ma), the earth (Da), the infinity (Sa), the You (Say) and the So Hung (the personal identity) SyncSouls has combined the healing words with a respective guided meditation that helps you to let go of old thought patterns and to support and view your life anew with a positive life force. In every life situation this mantra is a strengthening energy that leads you to more serenity, healing and love.

The meditations are accompanied by energetic sounds and music and the healing mantra Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is sounded. The healing vibrations help you to develop new thought patterns and thus to maintain a positive attitude towards your health. You gradually feel more secure and your self-healing powers are strengthened.

The titles in the overview:

1. Introduction;

2. Meditation on Ra - the sun;

3. Meditation on Ma - the moon;

4. Meditation on Da - the earth;

5. Meditation on Sa - infinity;

6. Meditation on Say - the You;

7. Meditation on So Hung - the personal identity

8. Holistic Meditation Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung;

9. Meditation Music, Chants & Sounds Pure

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