In this heartwarming companion to Sparrow Being Sparrow and Sparrow Spreads Her Wings, Sparrow wants to help the guide-dog-in-training next door pass his test but soon finds she may be the one in need of help when she has difficulty staying on task in school.
Yellow daffodils and dandelions are blooming, and a new neighbor is moving into the unit next door to Sparrow’s, along with a service-dog-in-training named Toby. Sparrow soon falls in love with Toby and gets involved with helping him pass his service dog test. In fact, she gets so obsessed with learning about service dogs that she can’t focus on what she’s supposed to be doing in school, and soon Toby’s not the only one who needs to worry about getting tested.
Now Sparrow has to meet with the school social worker alongside some kids in “friendship group,” even though she doesn’t need any new friends. Sparrow is used to being the one to help others, but she’s having more and more trouble staying on task in class; and if she messes up too many times in school, she won’t be able to walk Toby anymore. Can she be the Sparrow she’s always been if she’s not the helper but the one being helped?