You've always wanted to be an author. And now you're ready to get started. But getting that manuscript written and published is not so easy. In this guide, you'll find the expert advice of industry insiders--editors, agents, and successful authors. You'll learn tips and tricks about submissions, how to write a killer query, and even how to navigate the uncertain waters of self-publishing and e-books. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer, here is everything you need to take an idea to the printed page, including: Guidance on planning a writing career and building a platform Surefire ways to get a submission taken seriously Contract negotiation tips from the pros An in-depth exploration of self-publishing and e-books This essential guide also includes an exclusive link to a FREE get-published webinar, sponsored by the prestigious writing magazine Writer's Digest. This multimedia package is loaded with insider tips and professional techniques--all you need to turn writing from a hobby into a profession!
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