Aus einer Bierlaune heraus nimmt Jac die ungewöhnliche Wette ihrer besten Freundin an: Sie soll deren Kollegin Lauren verführen und damit beweisen, dass sie wirklich jede Frau ins Bett kriegt. Dafür hat Jac genau einen Monat Zeit. Siegessicher startet sie ihre Mission, obwohl Lauren heterosexuell und verlobt ist.
Doch Jac vergisst, dass aus LĂĽgen selten etwas Gutes hervorgeht. Wird sie die Konsequenzen ihres falschen Spiels tragen mĂĽssen, wenn Lauren ihr auf die Schliche kommt? Oder wird Lauren das Blatt wenden?
Born and raised in British Columbia, Canada, Lois grew up as an avid reader but didn’t begin writing until much later in life after a career in the Canadian Armed Forces. She’s the author of four novels, "Coming Home," "Broken Faith," "Kicker’s Journey," and "Walking the Labyrinth," two novellas, "Yak" and "Beyond and Begone," and a collection of short stories, "Assorted Flavours." She has also contributed short stories to several anthologies including "Spread the Love," "When the Clock Strikes Thirteen," "The Milk of Human Kindness: Lesbian Authors Write about Mothers and Daughters," and "Romance For Life." Her novel "Kicker’s Journey" won the 2010 Independent Publisher Book Award bronze medal, 2010 Golden Crown Literary Awards, 2010 Rainbow Romance Writer’s Award for Excellence, and 2009 Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Award for historical fiction. "Kicker’s Journey" and "Broken Faith" (revised second editions) were published in print and e-formats in fall 2013 and "Coming Home" (revised third edition) will be re-issued in spring 2014.