Elävästi kirjoitetut, vähemmän diplomaattiset muistelmat.
Kokeneen diplomaatin Pasi Patokallion muistelmat ottavat terävästi kantaa ulkoministeriön toimintaan, kärkipoliitikkoihin sekä Suomen ja maailman tapahtumiin Kekkosen ajasta aina Ukrainan-sotaan asti. Asevalvontaan urallaan paneutunut diplomaatti antaa lukijalle myös rautaisannoksen ajankohtaista ydinasetietoutta.
Minä, aseet ja maailma on lähihistoriaa avaava lukuelämys kaikille, joita kiinnostavat kokeneen diplomaatin arviot Suomen roolista kansainvälisessä politiikassa.
Teoksessa seurataan ainutlaatuisen läheltä asevalvonnan maailmaa ja sitä, kuinka Suomen etuja sekä turvallisuutta edistettiin neuvotteluissa ympäri maailmaa. Asialistalla ovat niin ydinsulku, kemialliset aseet, ydinaseettomat vyöhykkeet, ympäristösodankäynti kuin strateginen vientivalvonta ja surullisen kuuluisa Itämeren kaasuputki.
Patokallio todisti paikan päällä Neuvostoliiton ydinaseiden hävittämistä Kapustin Yarissa ja kuunteli Fidel Castron sotaista puhetta aseidenriisuntakonferenssissa Havannassa. Hän taittoi peistä YK-puheiden sisällöstä ulkoministeri Paavo Väyrysen kanssa.
Tarja Halosen kanssa Patokallio otti tiukasti yhteen asevientiluvista ja kohutuista jalkaväkimiinoista. Heillä oli myös erimielisyyksiä, kun Patokallio kampanjoi Suomea YK:n turvallisuusneuvostoon ulkoministeri Alexander Stubbin erityisedustajana.
Suurlähettiläs Pasi Patokallio (s. 1949) edusti Suomea monissa kansainvälisissä asevalvontaneuvotteluissa. Hän palveli yli neljäkymmentävuotisella urallaan Suomen edustustoissa Washingtonissa, Tokiossa, Genevessä ja New Yorkissa, ja toimi Suomen suurlähettiläänä Israelissa, Kanadassa ja Australiassa.
"Te eksytte koska ette tunne kirjoituksia ettekä Jumalan voimaa". Eliah fore rider: Turning the hearts of forefathers to children & the hearts of contemporary last generation to the foreparents waiting our prayers with their golden bowls & aroma. "Pride goeth before TOTAL destruction", Proverbs of Shalomo. Decision making centers. Affinity of Finnish to paleo Hebrew: Em, Finnish emo, emäntä, mother. Ab appi. Chaverim kaveri, haveri. Ovi, avata. Jalka jalan. Nuoch nukkua, nuokkua sleep. Ruoch, ruoka. Pissa - pissa, tippa = tippa. Car, karja. Perse, cherpa jne. Aaron aurin-ko. Lo Ba’koach, äLä pakota, not by force. Loo nirhaa - äLää murhaa ("thou shall not murder"). Pimah piimä, sour milk. Hammaz Hammas. Pchi, puhua. Ish, isä. Ragaz, rakas. Alef Shin, greatest fire. Finns the only "yellow race" of Europe in US emmigrationlegislation, until 1965. Suomi Shem Seem Saimaa saame shaman. Saloons: "No Jews. No Finns. No Indians." Pen Finns acknowledged sauna on saturday, Sabbath. Amber made elektron, electic shocks to steel. Finns Pen son of Isssachar are Semitic In DNA haplotypes, Nathanael Jeanson, Traced. Pen in Hebrew corner, opposite. No F-AlefBet, Phoenicia. Clubs found mainly in Finland and old Sumer. No effect by electricity. 390x7 year diaspora punishment for Ephraim full account of the goyim nations at culmination point. 2730 years In circles galut gilgal. Daan is missing among the 12x12 elefs or thousands in the Revelation. No Calebs, no Joshua Jeshuas by then among its ranks? Only patriarch with just 1 son and scouting in secret with him with high risk. Ask anyone. Ask John Ronald Reguel Tolkien. Clive Staples Lewis converted from atheism to Dignity via Tolkien' apologetics, citing myths conserved in Kalevala, giving circumtancial evidence for Torah, Navi & Keturim. Word Miltha Logos became flesh. Sampo ark in Kalevala, sighing for the loss of the ark of covenant. Valter Juvelius behind the Indiana Jones character delegated his excavation findings to Rotschild. Megalits of Rifa (Ural) frontier of East & West Shem Japhet akin to 500t megalits under the Weeping wall Massive X8.8 solar flare occurred when UN divides the land. Was the most intense of this solar cycle - NOAA. Covenant was tied to Sun and Moon. 6th seal in the Revelation: Sun spot goes hairy black and spits wind that wipes out satellite? stars. Thus, the small islands and mountain tops are removed from their place. GPS calibration?!? 66% of UN condemnations against Israel in the last 10 last years. Corona thorn crown in microscopes and telescopes. Earth magnetic field has declined 20% in 150 years. Decay rate 10x faster in the past 20 years. In 1922, the British gave away over 3/4 of the land reserved as the Jewish homeland to Arabs. The much larger portion of land went to the Arabs. Jordan is the original two-state solution. In fact, Jordan was closed off to Jewish settlement. British bent over backwards to appease the Umma. Today, Umma remain displeased. They continue to want it all, even though they occupy large portions of the land that was reserved for the Jews. The “Palestinian”identity was born as a means to an end. PLO articles were stated in 1964, prior to the 6+1 day war in 1967, one jubilee after Allenby walked to JeruSalem without a shot at him the day Finland got Her new independence since Rudrik. When Trump moved US embassy to JeruSalem it was the 100th anniversary 6.12.2017 of Finland. In the 6+1 day war, both the shield of DaViD and the blue cross white flag of Finland was in all the government buildings (Rafael Paasio was visiting Eretz Israel). In 1948 Jihad the UNholy war was declared by 23 states against a "baby nation born in one day" with 650t population and 35t soldiers and zero artillery. Ammonition for few days. Finland produced what is now called "Tampella" in Hebrew, kranaatinheitin in Finnish. Haarla & Zabludowicz who weighted 45kg after the German camp carried a huge burden and threw All-In. All thy heart www.dinoglyphs.fi www.biokemia.fi Oldest book describing Europe after Jasher, Homer and Hesiod. Oura Linda. Details of the descendance of the Poenicians "Foinikia" and Finns, Penns. Pen/Pun, son of Issachar and one of the 3 youngest daughter of Job/Iobs. Only the names of the 3 daughters of Job are mentioned in the Bible, not names of the 7 sons. "Tunturipöllö", The white owl of the snowy mountain or dove. Minerva The high calling of women. Freya - Rouva - Frisiä. In Trinity, the Holy Spirit is in feminine just like in the Valhalla myth the third host is hostess, Freya. Oura, Our, Ur, Uruk, Iraq from which Abram started to wander towards the promised land, not knowing the coordinates, just direction. "Listen to your wife, Sarah, in everything." The ass of Issaschar found his new land of diaspora galut gal kallio dear, too. Genesis 48-49 is The Prophecy for the identities at the end of the era when the Age of Grace is gone. Proverbs 31 Praise of the good wife read aloud every Sabbath lauantaisauna
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