
The Minds of Boys


The original cloth edition of this book caused a firestorm of controversy and acclaim, with two major features in Newsweek, and other major broadcast and print media. Parents and educators who are painfully familiar with the crisis in boy's education bought and discussed this book passionately, producing the greatest hardcover sales any Gurian titles has achieved to date. Gurian's greatest sales in the past have always been in paperback, so we're very happy to have this out now at a lower and more competitive price. Regarding the continuing crisis, here are the facts: Boys receive 70% of the Ds and Fs given all students, they create 90% of classroom discipline problems, 80% of all high school dropouts are boys, millions of American boys are on Ritalin and other mind-bending control drugs, only 40% of college students are boys, and three out of four learning disabled students are boys! So what can we do? Gurian has the answer in this enormously fascinating and practical book which show

Lukija: Darren Stephens
