A philosophical exploration of the entire seven-book Harry Potter series.
Harry Potter has been heralded as one of the most popular book series of all time and the philosophical nature of Harry, Hermione, and Ron's quest to rid the world of its ultimate evil is one of the many things that make this series special. The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy covers all seven titles in J. K. Rowling's groundbreaking series to discuss life after death, to consider what moral reasoning drove Harry to choose death, and to debate whether Sirius Black is a man or a dog.
This book will be the definitive guide for all fans looking to appreciate the series on a deeper level.
● Covers a range of intriguing topics such as the redemption of Severus Snape, the power of love, and destiny in the wizarding world
● Gives you a new perspective on Harry Potter characters, plot lines, and themes
● Makes a perfect companion to the Harry Potter books and movies
Packed with interesting ideas and insights, The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy is an ideal companion for anyone interested in unraveling the subtext and exploring the greater issues at work in the story.
This is not actually an opinion of the book it self, I have no idea whether it is good or not. For me it will remain a mystery since I can't stand the monotonious pronounciation of the reader.
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