Torture on Morris Street by Arthur Leo Zagat is a spine-chilling crime thriller that delves into the darkest corners of human cruelty. When a series of gruesome crimes occur on the quiet and unassuming Morris Street, the neighborhood is thrown into a state of fear and suspicion. The victim's harrowing screams echo through the city, and it's up to a determined detective to unravel the twisted motives behind these heinous acts. As the investigation deepens, shocking secrets are revealed, and the detective must confront a malevolent force intent on spreading terror. Can justice be served before the torturer strikes again, or will Morris Street be forever haunted by its nightmarish past?
Satan's Handmaiden : Dime Mystery Magazine
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Death Package : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Love Dream : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookIn 20,000 A.D : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookVenus Mines, Incorporated : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Flaming Coffin : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookNo Escape from Destiny : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Man Who Would Not Die : Terror Tales
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookRed Finger : 12 Short Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Heads of Death : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookRiverfront Horror : Terror Tales
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookLost in Time : Thrilling Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
Doc. Turner's Death Antidote : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeadlock : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookCorpses on Account : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Set-Up in Yellow : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Witness From Hell : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookGraves Filled to Order : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookMurder Marches By : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Subway Suicide : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner Meets the Angel of Death : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Murder Mask : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Inquisition : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat