The Brian Tracy Success Library

Kirjasarjat • 5 kirjaa

Hiring and firing are hard to get right—and potentially costly to get wrong. Two of the most crucial tasks you face as a manager, they are vital to both the success of the enterprise…and your own career.

No need to worry. This handy guide breaks down the simple but powerful strategies you can use to bring better employees on board…and weed out the weaker ones. Featuring techniques that business expert Brian Tracy has identified as the most effective and that he himself employs, Hiring & Firing reveals how you can:

Write appealing and accurate job descriptions

Find suitable candidates

Use the Law of Three when interviewing

Ask the right questions

Probe past performance

Listen for the questions that indicate interviewees are qualified and serious

Dig deep when checking references

Negotiate salary

Start new employees off strong

Provide clear direction and regular feedback

Document performance problems

De-hire gracefully

Create an appropriate severance package

And more

Hiring and firing are key to improving your team and reaching your goals. This indispensable little book helps you eliminate the guesswork and make the best decisions for your business.