Sarah and David, a young married couple from New York City, arrive to settle near Salamanca, a small Pennsylvania forest village whose unwelcoming inhabitants appear to be protecting a secret and troubled past. Prey to her own childhood demons, as well as chronic anxiety attacks, Sarah discovers that this new life, which was supposed to bring about a fresh start, actually only drastically increases her foreboding. In order to confront her fears, Sarah searches for a truth that will lead her to places where human and supernatural horror arise without warning, quickly and violently.
Au cœur des ténèbres
Christophe Bec
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Christophe Bec
bookCarême T1 : Nuit Blanche
Christophe Bec, Paolo Mottura
bookCarthago, Tome 1 : Le Lagon de Fortuna
Christophe Bec
bookCourbée, je me redresse
Christophe Bec
bookCarthago, Tome 9 : Le pacte du centenaire
Christophe Bec
bookSarah T1 : Les Ombres de Salamanca
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bookSanctuaire T1 : USS Nebraska
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bookCarthago - Saison 1
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Christophe Bec
bookCarthago, Tome 8 : Léviathan
Christophe Bec
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bookDétour par Epsilon
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bookMarie Curie
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bookL'arène de Salamandria
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bookHistoire d'Apollo XI - Comment on a marché sur la lune
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bookL'Association des cas particuliers T1 : Sapiens
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bookElias le maudit T1 : Le Jeu des corps célestes
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bookEmilio Van der Zuiden,Stephen Desberg
Les Anges d'Auschwitz