The story is narrated by the scion of the Delapore family, who has moved from Massachusetts to his ancestral estate in England, known as Exham Priory. On several occasions, the protagonist and his cats hear the sounds of rats scurrying behind the walls. Upon investigating further, he finds that his family maintained an underground city for centuries and that the inhabitants of the city fed on human flesh, even going so far as to raise generations of human cattle, who eventually began to de-evolve due to their sub-human living conditions
La maison de la sorcière
H.P. Lovecraft
H.P. Lovecraft
bookLa Peur qui rôde - 8 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookLa Musique d'Erich Zann (suivi de) Histoire du Necronomicon - 9 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookPar-delà le mur du sommeil (suivi de) Azathoth - 6 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookLe Temple - 7 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookLes Montagnes de la démence - 4 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookLa Couleur venue d'ailleurs - 3 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookL'Ombre immémoriale - 5 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookDagon - 2 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookLe Molosse - 1 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
audiobookCelui qui hante les ténèbres - 9 : Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
The Damned Thing
Ambrose Bierce
bookAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
Ambrose Bierce
bookIn the Vault
H.P. Lovecraft
bookThe Bowmen
Arthur Machen
bookThe Tomb
H.P. Lovecraft
bookThe Nameless City
H.P. Lovecraft
bookThe Outsider
H.P. Lovecraft
bookThe Rats in the Walls
H.P. Lovecraft
bookPickman's Model
H.P. Lovecraft
bookThe Body Snatcher
Robert Louis Stevenson
bookThe Eyes of the Panther
Ambrose Bierce
bookThe Damned Thing
Ambrose Bierce