In Falling Upward (and in many of his other teachings), Richard Rohr talked at length about ego (or the False Self) and how it gets in the way of spiritual maturity, especially if its preoccupations continue into the second half of life. But if there's a False Self, is there also a True Self? What is it? How is it found? Why does it matter? And what does it have to do with the spiritual journey? In this new book, he likens True Self to a diamond, buried deep within us, formed under the intense pressure of our lives, that must be searched for, uncovered, separated from all the debris of ego that surrounds it. In a sense True Self must, like Jesus, be resurrected, and that process is not resuscitation but transformation. Immortal Diamond (whose title is taken from a line in a Gerard Manley Hopkins poem) explores the deepest questions of identity, spirituality, and meaning in Richard Rohr's inimitable style.
Falling Upward : A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
Richard Rohr
audiobookFalling Upward
Richard Rohr
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Richard Rohr
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Richard Rohr
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Richard Rohr, Andreas Ebert
audiobookThe Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation
Richard Rohr
audiobookVom Bösen : Eine neue Theologie
Richard Rohr
bookEl mundo, la carne y el Diablo : ¿Qué hacemos con el asunto del mal?
Richard Rohr
bookDer Weg der Weisheit
Richard Rohr
bookWas die Bibel uns zu sagen hat
Richard Rohr
bookGanz da : Einfach und kontemplativ leben
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