Kilderne for de meddelte Formularer og Opskrifter har dels været trykt Literatur, dels mindre haandskrevne Samlinger fra Nutiden og dels ældre, utrykte «Cyprianus'er» eller «Svartebøger», som disse Produkter i Almindelighed er bleven kaldt blandt Folket. Jeg vil i denne forbindelse komme nærmere ind på de manuskripter, jeg har gjort brug af, jeg har gjort brug af, og som jeg har betegnet således, som det vil fremgå nedenfor.
The textbook of life. The laws of the mind : How do I activate the power of thought and achieve my goals? What is the meaning of life? It's finally time to discover the truth of creation.
Martin Kojc
bookWeather Shamanism : Harmonizing Our Connection with the Elements
Nan Moss
bookCall of the Great Spirit : The Shamanic Life and Teachings of Medicine Grizzly Bear
Bobby Lake-Thom
bookBaldr's Magic : The Power of Norse Shamanism and Ecstatic Trance
Nicholas E. Brink
bookRealization Into Hermetics Initiation
Magnus Sarmarx
bookThe Soul of Ancient Egypt : Restoring the Spiritual Engine of the World
Robert Bauval, Ahmed Osman
bookImagining the World into Existence : An Ancient Egyptian Manual of Consciousness
Normandi Ellis
bookSekhmet : Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess
Nicki Scully
bookTwilight Language of the Nagual : The Spiritual Power of Shamanic Dreaming
Merilyn Tunneshende
bookThe Council of Light : Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul
Danielle Rama Hoffman
bookShamanic Mysteries of Egypt : Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart
Nicki Scully, Linda Star Wolf
bookThe Lost History of the Little People : Their Spiritually Advanced Civilizations around the World
Susan B. Martinez