Throughout history, there have been certain figures who have stood the test of time and had an enduring impact on the church at large. One such person was the famed Welsh preacher Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. In this carefully curated collection of sermons, contemporary readers are introduced to one of the most influential pastors of the 20th century. Each sermon in this volume is preceded by a unique introduction detailing when it was preached, what Lloyd-Jones was doing at the time, why the historical context gave rise to the sermon, and how its message relates to the modern world. Compiled and expertly edited by his daughter and grandson, this powerful anthology will help Christians learn from Lloyd-Jones's prophetic preaching—even today.
Que todos alaben al Señor : El significado de la vida cristiana
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookNo contra sangre y carne : La lucha contra huestes espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestes
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookLa deplorable condición del hombre y el poder de Dios : Un resumen claro del Evangelio
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookLa Cruz : La reivindicación de Dios
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookAvivamiento : Una serie de 24 sermones predicados en la Capilla de Westminster en el centenario del Avivamiento de Gales
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookA Merciful and Faithful High Priest: Studies in the Book of Hebrews
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookWalking with God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotional Selections
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookThe Assurance of Our Salvation (Studies in John 17) : Exploring the Depth of Jesus' Prayer for His Own
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookSetting Our Affections upon Glory : Nine Sermons on the Gospel and the Church
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookThe Gospel in Genesis : From Fig Leaves to Faith
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
bookLiving Water : Studies in John 4
Martyn Lloyd-Jones