
Summary: In Pursuit of Elegance : Review and Analysis of Way's Book


The must-read summary of Matthew E. May's book: "In Pursuit of Elegance: Why the Best Ideas Have Something Missing".

This complete summary of the ideas from Matthew E. May's book "In Pursuit of Elegance" shows how every business is searching for a product or concept that is elegant, and which customers will love so much that they recommend it to all of their friends. In his book, the author explains that there are four key principles to elegance: symmetry, seduction, subtraction and sustainable. This summary explains the theory behind each of these elements and provides examples from real life companies that have applied each of them and achieved success.

Added-value of this summary:

• Save time

• Understand key principles

• Expand your business knowledge

To learn more, read "In Pursuit of Elegance" and discover the key to providing your customers with elegance that will make them come back again and again.