“Sitting close to the Master that is `Upanishad' you catch many things! You catch the inexpressible... You catch something that is indescribable... Here, words are simply a vehicle: a lot more flows in-between the words: Energy moves... Grace moves... Joy moves... And that transforms life!” Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar So sit close... and soak in this incredible series of lucid commentaries, by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, as He illuminates the profound Yogasara Upanishad, which reveals the sublime essence of true yoga! These inimitable commentaries have been drawn from four scintillating talks, on the subject, that Gurudev gave to an intimate audience in Weggis (Switzerland), under the titles; SURRENDER AND BONDAGE if you are carrying a load on your head, there cannot be any freedom! It's ironic that freedom and surrender go hand-in-hand! A big irony!” UNITING WITH THE DEPTH
Through The Eyes Of The Master
Sri Sri Ravishankar
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookIndia in Action
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookPunarnava - New Again
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookSri Sri As I Know Him
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookContradictions In Bhagavad Gita
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookAyurveda and Breath
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookShiva The Enternal Joy
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookAyurveda and Breath
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookKatopanishad Part 1
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bookThe Space Within
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bookQuestion Basket
Sri Sri Ravishankar