
You Have The Right To Remain Silent


Billy wants to be a good detective.

He has the help of his very loyal assistant – his best friend, Molly – and his trusted hound – pet dog, Rusty. He's going to need all the help he can get to solve the most important case of his life.

Since the death of his father, Detective Dean McLeod, Billy has been the man of the house, but now Steve is worming his way into his home and if Billy doesn't work fast he could soon be calling him 'dad'. He can't let this happen.

He is certain that Steve is keeping a big secret from them; however, uncovering what that secret is proves to be difficult and sometimes dangerous, especially when a member of the team is left fighting for life.

Once all the evidence against Steve has been gathered, Billy must decide whether or not to reveal to his mum all the facts. Because – he still has THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!