
Protect your heart and your business!


A very useful book for all living!

Do you have plans for tomorrow? Are you absolutely sure that you have not made a mistake and the heart attack will not begin soon?

What to do the first 30 minutes in anticipation of medical care do you know?

You need to have time to buy and read this useful book! All 173 pages. And also choose the best of 6 algorithms of useful actions to help yourself. Or the best of 5 algorithms of useful actions to help another person. And learn to apply the doctor's useful advice in practice.

My method of help with a heart attack can be used in the absence of a medical education. The effect depends on the quick and correct performance of the algorithms of useful actions to help yourself or others.

I have been analyzing the features of lifestyle before a heart attack for 36 years. Medical experience showed: you can live for a long time without danger to suddenly die from a heart attack.

What to do?

Do not repeat other people's mistakes!

A heart attack is the main reason for the "sudden death" of young and healthy people. As well as a constant threat to life in any diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Regardless of gender and age.

How not to make the most common mistakes during a heart attack in the new book of Dr. Borys Skachko.